About the Founder
About the Founder, Mylena Sutton
I'm Mylena, and I live and work by the creed, "All leadership is personal. We just happen to do it in professional settings sometimes." Whether I’m working with a client in their formal capacity in an organization or to achieve personal goals, I bring to bear my experiences in leadership development, consulting, human resources, mediation, employee training, & coaching. I help clients get clear on their most compelling goals & focus on alignment.
If you catch yourself saying or thinking things like the ones below, we should talk:
• I want to reconcile the gaps on my team between how we do things & how we actually want to do things
• My team is mired in conflict, & I, alone, can’t get us unstuck.
• I need/want to provide compliance training to reduce potential liability issues.
• I want a partner to help me navigate my organization as I build my career & position myself for future opportunities.
• I’m struggling to meet a goal or facing a challenge in my life, & want a coach & accountability partner.
The approaches that I take to help clients solve their problems are customized to their particular needs. If I’m working on team-related issues, I create tailor made solutions using strategic planning, culture assessments, conflict resolution, or employee training. On the other hand, if I’m working with a leader on a challenge that pertains to them as an individual, I’m a coach, accountability partner, and “asker of hard questions”. Sometimes it’s the team or situation, and sometimes, it’s you!
I am different, & I do this work differently. My goal is to make it safe for people to be honest with me about the challenges they’re facing. When clients can share their full picture, we co-create solutions that they feel confident in! On the other hand, I am relentless about alignment & helping leaders be accountable to themselves & their stakeholders. When I work with teams, I also focus on what I call, “The 3C Approach” - conflict, compliance, & culture, which are often the source of the most contentious issues. Overall, my mission is to keep people from crying (or cussing) as they log in or commute to work!
Previous & Current Clients:
• Jevs
• The Ladipo Group
• South Jersey Industries
• NeighborWorks America
• Nike Ajao, CFO, Spitfire Strategies
• National Harm Reduction Coalition
• Mercer County Correctional Facility
• New Jersey Civil Service Commission
• National Council for Mental Well-Being
• Philadelphia Research & Education Foundation