Charter Schools

Harassment complaints come with the territory; unmitigated liability doesn't have to come, too.

Why you MUST do harassment training!

There may be "no crying in corrections", but...

...anti-harassment laws ALWAYS apply, just like they do in any other organization. Every area of law enforcement demands that staff think on their feet, exercise independent judgment, and also be aware of what constitutes harassment. We know overt acts of discrimination are illegal, but we often overlook the reality that unintentional behaviors (even jokes) can have significant consequences and that we aren't cut any slack because it's a tough job.

Meet Mylena Sutton, MPA
Training New Jersey Public Servants for more than 10 years

"Anti-harassment training is about your behavior,
not your beliefs."

Harassment training is vital for organizations. It ensures legal compliance, preventing potential litigation and safeguarding the organization's reputation. By creating a safe and respectful workplace, it enhances employee well-being, productivity, and overall morale. This commitment to diversity and inclusion not only saves costs but also provides legal defensibility and supports long-term sustainability.

Training Benefits

  1. Empower your employees to protect themselves, respect others, and be better bystanders.
  2. Make it clear where you stand on harassment and other inappropriate behavior.
  3. Reduce your employer liability by making sure your supervisors know and are following your policy.

"Mylena was animated appropriately so, engaging, and welcomed input from students; excellent job."

~Correctional Facility Supervisor