all leadership is personal

Employee doesn't respect or trust me

Aug 21 2024

I Can’t Believe They Said That!

Has an employee ever told you that they don’t respect or trust you? Yes No View Results  Loading ... If you’ve ever been hit you with such a hard to hear declaration, ...
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Two orange and blue parrots perched on a wooden stick.

Jul 26 2024

16 Perspectives on Conflict Management

Whether on or off the clock, every leadership challenge has conflict baked into it. Yet, very few people readily walk toward conflict because it often makes people feel trapped. Moreover, data shows ...
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Mar 21 2024

Addressing Harassment and Conflict is Empowering

Dealing with conflict is part of the reality of being on a team. So is harassment.  But do we consider how leaders could make managing these issues an organizational strength? This is ...
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Feb 19 2024

You are the Expert! What do you believe are the fundamentals of leadership?

How often do you meditate on what you believe are the fundamentals of leadership (i.e., without these qualities, a person cannot be effective as a leader)? Yes, we can read all of ...
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